How Do You Set Long-Term Professional Goals?

Sometimes when you’re reading a murder mystery, you’ll want to think about two different scenarios: what if the butler did it, vs what if it was the wealthy socialite? What would be different? What evidence might they leave?
This is also a core skill for senior-and-up software engineers. It’s obvious...
A fellow recently asked me for advice about running a Ruby workshop. And folks, I had forgotten I knew so much about it before he asked!
Before Rebuilding Rails had a video class, I had written a lot of the material for Rebuilding Rails workshops that I gave at Southeast Ruby and at Railsconf. I...
After a previous post I was asked for some examples: what types of things do you take out of your Rails app, especially a new one, to make a new service? For general rules read that post. But for some specifics, this is the post.
I gave a Twitter-length answer on Twitter. This has a bit more elaboration...
Video version available on YouTube:
A certain kind of software developer—or more often, businessperson— likes to talk about a hundred-year programming language, or even a hundred-year framework.
That’s a pretty audacious thing to say. I mean, software development is roughly 65...
A gentleman on Twitter suggested that to make a new SaaS app, you should do these things:
This is pretty good...
A reader of Mastering Software Technique emailed me to ask:
You mentioned it’s important to find a source of feedback while learning. I am just starting out with programming, so any suggestions on where to get such feedback would be great.
It’s a great question! Here’s what I told him, plus a little...
I was talking with some folks lately about how Rails is amazing and unmatched for prototyping web apps. If you’re dealing with high market risk, you want to build a lot of prototypes, fast, at low quality, with the assumption that 90%+ of them will be thrown away because nobody will buy them. That...