Articles tagged 'rebuildingrails'

Digging Into the Rails Source

You’ve made it mostway through your free Ruby on Rails Internals class. Today we’ll be poking around the Rails source code. If you have money but not time, Rebuilding Rails lets you find a lot quickly… But in case you have more time, we’ll see where in the Rails source you can learn the same things...

No More Requires

I hate all the “requires” at the front of Ruby files. I know what methods I’m using, but I have to write it in both places. Not exactly DRY. Rails skips them — you just use the classes you want. How can I automatically load my files like Rails does? Read on.

Ruby has method_missing. When you call...

Rebuilding Rails Exercises

[Update: Rebuilding Rails is finished, and yes, the exercises are in it. So are solutions to them.]

A reader asked me whether the book was entirely cut and paste or if there would be exercises that required actually writing new code in Rebuilding Rails, or only cut-and-paste. Here’s my response:

What is Rack?: A Primer

If you do Ruby web programming, you’ll often hear about “Rack.” You might hear about it from a Ruby dev you respect, and that you won’t get better at Ruby web stuff until you know what’s underneath.

Or you might have to write a to use Heroku and you’re thinking, “what’s”. It...

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