The Forty-Year Programmer

Different people can look at, say, a video tutorial and take different things from it.
A new programmer looks at what the video is “supposed” to teach and learns the immediate skill and how to do something in that language or environment.
An experienced developer learning a new language learns how...
Awhile back a fellow asked me the best way to increase test coverage at the small startup he works at.
It’s an excellent question.
Specifically, he asked:
“What’s the best way to go about increasing the unit test coverage of a codebase at a small scale startup? What procedure do you guys follow...
Ruby 3x3 announced that Ruby 3.0 would be three times as fast as Ruby 2.0. It was an audacious goal, especially for a language released in 1995.
Ruby 3 is due to be released in less than a month. They’re hard at work on some of the features, but non-JIT performance is pretty close to release speed...
Rack is Ruby’s standard web interface. Rails uses it, Sinatra uses it, basically every Ruby web server and framework use it.
And Rack adds “middleware,” pieces of software that you can build an app out of. They see requests and responses, and they can modify both. Middleware is so powerful that Rails...
I’ve recently started a podcast called “Computer Science: Just the Useful Bits.” I interview a different professional developer, with a different background, each week. They’ll let you know what parts of their education they think were good, which were bad, and which were worth emulating.
“When are...
Rebuilding Rails, like a lot of products, has multiple levels (“tiers.”) At the lowest level is the ebook and the first two video chapters. The next level, the Framework Engineer package, is the ebook and a six-chapter video workshop on building an MVC framework. And the Full package is the ebook...
I was recently on Jason Swett’s podcast again. He’s a great interviewer and I always have fun with him.
By Twitter request we talked about… When would you not use Rails? It’s a great question.
For the entertaining version, listen to the podcast. For the just-the-facts extra-complete version, I’m...